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来源:长江丛刊 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-02-23
摘要:There was a time when I took courses at the adult training class of the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II, and every morning when I arrived at the classroom, I could enjoy the beauti

There was a time when I took courses at the adult training class of the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II, and every morning when I arrived at the classroom, I could enjoy the beautiful soprano singing classics such as “Beautiful Grassland Is My Home”, “China My Love” and“Ode to Yangtze River”.I once thought that it was a teacher playing Chinese music for teaching Chinese language, but I found out later that it was Director Jiang who was practicing Jiang not only loved singing but also sang very well, for she had received professional vocal promote Chinese culture and attract more Cameroonians to learn Chinese, Director Jiang often sang in various cultural activities held by the Confucius Institute, and she gave significant support to the branded activity of the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II—“Voice of Cameroon” Singing Contest of Chinese Songs.In 2017, to celebrate the CPC Founding Day, the Chinese Embassy in Cameroon held a Red Song competition, in which Director Jiang led the faculty of the Confucius Institute to participate and won the second often encouraged teachers to teach Chinese songs in class, for there is no boundary for music and it is the easiest and most popular way to promote Chinese that was the second impression Director Jiang left on me: a singer loving her life and work.

However, for the faculty and students of the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II and those who acquainted with Director Jiang, titles like poet, scholar and singer are far from describing her beauty and Jiang was modest and courteous without being arrogant as a knowledgeable scholar or being commanding as an believed that everyone is equal and should be treated with there was a guest, she always made tea by herself and showed the warmest reception regardless of his nationality, race, gender, age,occupation or social never bothered others but would spare no effort to help when others turned to her.I remembered there was a student died in a car accident on his way to the Confucius Institute, whose family was too poor to prepare a Jiang carried on a fundraising and contributed the most among the March, Director Jiang was invited to lecture on Chinese literature at the University of Maroua for one week, and she lived in ACAMAS, a place arranged for Chinese language September, Ms.Zang Pauline, the first local Chinese teacher in Cameroon was in hospital due to critical Jiang visited her and helped to pay all the hospital bills without hesitation after recognizing Ms.Zang was cash-strapped, and organized a wide range fundraising for , Ms.Zang failed to overcome the disease and passed away.At Ms.Zang's funeral, bearing the greatest grief, Director Jiang not only delivered a moving eulogy, but also knelt and kowtowed to pay her respect.

The good will acts from Director Jiang are too many to be narrated even if I am given three days and nights to do so.Her integrity, goodness, generosity and cordiality make locals respectfully address her as “mother”.When there came the news of Director Jiang's death, principals of all teaching sites in Yaounde, Maroua and Douala telephoned one after another to confirm the that Mother Jiang would never come back, they all burst into tears and were unwilling to accept the fact.On the second day, when I was giving a class at the Les Degourdis Elementary School of Yaounde, the principle rushed to give me a tight tears pouring down his face, he comforted me, “Madame Jiang is a pure God can't stand to watch her suffer in the world, so taking her away.She will be immortal in heaven.”

On December 9th, we held a memorial service for Director Jiang, and the representative of the Chinese Embassy in Cameroon, Director Jiang's friends from both China and Cameroon, directors of every cooperative teaching sites and students and faculty of the Confucius Institute were all present with sadness and stern faces.In the memorial service, Director Zhang, the representative of the Embassy, spoke highly of Director Jiang's working attitude and devoting spirit;the dean of the business school in Cameroon delivered a eulogy with tears; and two philosophy professors of the University of Yaounde I recited a poem which was co-written by Director Jiang and with the family, the landlord who has rent houses to the Confucius Institute for eight years bit her farewell, and her cleaning lady wailed in front of her portrait, refusing to leave…

与马鲁阿分院教师的合影Group photo with teachers from the Maroua Office of the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II

Though I acquainted with Director Jiang in 2017, I barely got in touch with her because of job even in my brief time with Director Jiang, her goodness could always touch me.There was a time when I had a bad temper and did not get along well with my colleagues,which severely influenced my Director Jiang came to inspect teaching spots, she talked with me all night long regardless of her fatigue of the journey, enlightening me from every aspect, comforting me and encouraging me to make adjustments and start a new life.In last summer vacation, I went to Zhejiang Normal University to help training, and Director Jiang happened to lead the summer camp back to knowing my journey to Jinhua, she insisted on picking me up in the train station, and then sent me to the hotel where I would stay,for the fear that it would be unsafe for a girl to arrive alone at time I recall these memories, I wept when doing all those things, Director Jiang had never regarded herself as a director but an ordinary teacher, treating us as her for me, Director Jiang,the one who possessed a heart of gold,was like an angel who came down to the Earth embedded with all the good and noble qualities such as goodness,sincerity, enthusiasm and helpfulness.

文章来源:《长江丛刊》 网址: http://www.cjckzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0223/585.html


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