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来源:长江丛刊 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-02-23
摘要:With a few conversations with Director Jiang, I learned that she had great passion for the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II and had been making efforts silently with the hope that o

With a few conversations with Director Jiang, I learned that she had great passion for the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II and had been making efforts silently with the hope that our model Confucius Institute building can be built into a local Chinese teacher training base in the west-central a month before her passing away, Director Jiang was still having meetings with us discussing the preparation for the Chinese language teacher training session in Francophone Africa and the half-finished local Chinese language teacher once said, “I've been exploring and learning how to manage the Confucius Institute for the past two years.It is a pity that my term of office comes to an end when my career is finally on track.If given an opportunity, I sincerely hope that I can help to continue promoting the localization of Chinese language teaching in Cameroon, for it is such a sacred and glorious course.” I never forget her words.I met her for the last time the night right before she went back to China to participate in the Confucius Institute hugged me before leaving, and I can now still feel her temperature and the positive energy she passed to me from her emaciated but determined body.

Dear Ms.Jiang, at this moment,I really want to tell you that since the farewell with you last month, you have been away from Cameroon for a we always believe that it is just a short goodbye, and we are here, at the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II waiting for now, no one is willing to accept the fact that you would never come , we faculty will definitely follow your example, stick to our posts, devote to our jobs and live up to your set your heart at rest, dear Mother Jiang, and we will all be fine.We will take your baton and insist on the international promotion of Chinese language to fulfill your director and mother, may your soul rest in peace and hope that you can come back home often.

This article is dedicated to Professor Jiang Yujiao, Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Yaounde II, an angel who came down to the Earth and a mother who is kind-hearted and great.

在本土汉语教师教学研讨会上发言Speaking at the Chinese Language Teaching Seminar for Local Chinese Teachers

文章来源:《长江丛刊》 网址: http://www.cjckzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0223/585.html


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